This is the official website and the main communication channel of Radek Štencl, a till his death real life flesh and bones painter. The only official body acting on behalf and processing all inquires is Radek Štencl Trust.
Before you inquiry anything, please read the Dive deeper page. It’s the place where we crafted answers to most common questions, especially what can art bring to your life, what is unique about the artwork, , all licensing options, few words on the guarantee of authenticity and some more you haven’t asked for.

The Smell of Home
140 × 100 cm | 55 × 40 in
Acrylic on canvas

Manitou, The Homage to All Oppressed Nations
120 × 100 cm | 47 x 39 in
Acrylic on canvas
The Function of a Dream
100 × 150 cm | 39 × 59 in
Oil, Spray and Acrylic on canvas

The Two Most Important Journeys in the History of Mankind
320 × 120 cm | 126 × 47 in
Acrylic on canvas

Mother with a Cat
50 x 70 cm | 20 x 28 in
Acrylic on canvas
Inside of a Personality
50 x 70 cm | 20 x 28 in
Acrylic on canvas

Am I Missing the Train?
90 × 120 cm | 35 × 47 in
Acrylic on canvas

Madame Štencl
100 × 150 cm | 39 × 59 in
Acrylic on canvas